floating (or: the rather unsuccessful attempt to float mindlessly in the sea to just relax and be but your brain won't shut up or something else intervenes) (Celine Wildermuth)


trying to wind down

from all the buzzing noise in the world


the wind on top

the water down under





if only for a little while

to shut off and just be

one with nature

one with me


remembering what happened yesterday




drops from crashing waves splash onto my face

interrupting my attempt to detach and connect



hearing the hollow sounds the ocean carries

feeling the fiery warmth the sun radiates


smelling the salt from the ocean breeze

seeing the sun's light through closed eyes






touching something unfamiliar and oddly squishy

hoping it's just a piece of seaweed on the loose



what if

what is isn't

what can can't

what will won't


too many choices to make

too few truly important


wondering what will happen tomorrow




legs and torso are slowly folding

starting to sink



taking a deep breath in

to keep floating


stretching my limbs, making myself big

so that the waves keep carrying me


absorbing what is happening in the moment



trying to wind down

from all the buzzing noise in the world


the wind on top

the water down under


Although I'm floating

I'm feeling a little more down to earth again

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